San Diego Area Run Start
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San Diego
San Diego Hash  Every Friday night and every other Sunday morning   Friday, April 10, 2009 6:30pm
The 17th Good Friday Hash
Hare(s): Strap On Tools, Deep Throat, mystery hares
Location: Old Town Trolley Station parking lot
Directions: Pacific Coast Hwy
Thomas Bros: 1168 F6
Run Fee: $8
Trail type: (not specified)
Dog friendly: (not specified)
It's Deep's 17th Good Friday run celebrating all those years of laying poorly conceived and marked trails no one can follow. Say, diDn't Deep and Strap On start a run here years ago? They wouldn't recycle that run, would they?

Good food, a safe ending and a CHANCE OF RAIN - SO BRING A CANOPY IF YOU HAVE ONE.

Unfortunately, Sheep will be in the desert but we'll soldier on without her.

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