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Larrikins Hash  Every Monday night.   Monday, January 27, 2020 6:30pm
Butthurt's Blackout Burnt out Bash
Hare(s): Butthurt
Address: the blvd bar
6949 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA 92115
Directions: drink a 5th of vodka, drive there, use backstreets to avoid police.
Map Link:
Run Fee: 4
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Trail Only
So turns out GMing SDH3 really takes a tole on your liver and memory. Some hareraiser talked me into haring, thought it was last week, sabotaged the whole thing and now its time to try again. Iv'e heard that you can really only remember to do things in the same condition you were previous so expect me to not remember again, wait, what was I even talking about?

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