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Larrikins Hash  Every Monday night.   Monday, November 9, 2009 6:30pm
You Won't have to Take it up the Ass Rammer Trail
Hare(s): Say it Again Bitch! and Fingerbang an Orangutang...NOT Ass Rammer
Location: Parking lot at 5344 Jackson, has a Copy-it, La Mesa Pet Hospital and Citibank. Jackson and Center intersection is right there.
Directions: Get on the 8, from East or West get off on the Jackson exit. Turn LEFT or NORTH on Jackson, parking lot is on the left hand side. Probabky have to go up to Fletcher Parkway and make a U turn to get to the run start
Thomas Bros: 1270 J1
Run Fee: $2
Trail type: (not specified)
Dog friendly: (not specified)
It's an AssRammer trail's arch nemesis. You will find trail, you will survive trail, you will not end up in a YBF tunnel being attacked by cave creatures.

Flat, short, straight trail with 10 beerchecks...maybe. Trail is dog friendly but they can't come into the On IN

A to A walk or drive to B. ON IN is CASH ONLY and they love us so bring your dollar bills yo. A wide variety of food nearby.

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