View Map Volleyball HashThursday, October 8, 2015 5:00pm
Last Thursday Night Volleyball for 2015 Hare(s): MisMangement
Address: Everts Street and Parker Pl, San Diego, CA 92109
Directions: Just west of Fanuel Park in Pacific Beach. Walk west on Bayside Walk to the volleyball courts at the end of Everts St. Run Fee: Free and Bring Your Own Everything Trail type: Other (explain in Notes) Dog friendly: Other (specified in Notes) Notes: Yep, this is our last Thursday night volleyball for 2015 so join us closing out summer volleyball and bring in winter volleyball on Saturdays at 2pm.
We will have our End of Summer party at Slow Poke's place in Mission Beach on Sunday, October 11th at 2pm. Look for the run start for more details.
Meet at the volleyball courts to play until sunset, then we'll move to the On-In at a local establishment for food and drinks. Volleyball equipment is provide so bring your own everything else.
Remember, there are restrictions for alcohol and glass containers so plan accordingly. Also, dogs are allowed but check the posted signs for leash and beach requirements.
Come out early and enjoy an afternoon at the beach. See you there.