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San Diego
San Diego Hash  Every Friday night and every other Sunday morning   Friday, December 1, 2023 7:00pm
Hash Holiday Party - Friday Night Fever
Hare(s): SDH3 MM
Address: Bayview Room of Marina Village
1936 Quivira Way
San Diego, CA 92109
Map Link:
Run Fee: See pricing tiers below
Trail type: Other (explain in Notes)
Dog friendly: No
It's that time of year again: the Hash Holiday Party!! This year's theme is Friday Night Fever! That's right it's a Disco Holiday Party!

The party will rage in the Bayview Room at Marina Village in Mission Bay. We will post more details as we iron them out, but here are the highlights of what you get with your Rego:
Food, you will given food.
Drinks, seltzer, beer, and select mixed drinks will be available.
Dancing, we will have music, and not just disco music!
Pictures, we will have a photo shoot/booth set up.

Disco Inferno (first 50): $40
Boogie Nights (51-100): $50
Stayin' Alive (101-150): $60

You must register here:

How to pay
1. Pay using CashApp, $SandiegoH3, please include "Holiday Party, [YOUR hash name]" include anyone else's name whom you are paying for if you are paying for more than yourself. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR HASH NAME!
2. Cash at hash. See Fucking Larry.
3. Other payment options, please reach out to Hash Cash directly.

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