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Half-Assed Hash  About once a month.   Saturday, December 7, 2024 5:00pm
The 12 Drink Checks of Hashmas
Hare(s): ManAIDS + Many More!
Address: The Ould Sod
3373 Adams Ave
San Diego, CA 92116
Map Link:
Run Fee: $12
Pre-lube: The Ould Sod 5-6pm.
Pack away 6pm.
Trail type: A to A
On after: The Ould Sod.
Dog friendly: Trail Only
What better way to get rid of your SD Hash Holiday party hangover than with the 12 Drink Checks of Hashmas. Don't worry, you'll have all day to recover before our shenanigans begin!
That's right 12 (count'em) 12 drink checks of holiday cheer right down your velvety smooth throat. That's only $1 a drink! But wait, there's more! First 50 people to rego will get a sweet patch to commemorate this anal event that you're likely to not even remember!
Additionally, we will be serenading the fine people of Normal Heights with some of our most delightful classics like "Carol of the Boobs" and "Walking 'Round in Women's Underwear!" They will bask in our holiday spirit as we shower them with our glee, penetrating deep into their ear holes whether they want it or not.
Save the date and get your sexy hash holiday-inspired outfits ready!
Get there EARLY to find parking that's good for overnight or take an Uber. We will be ON-OUTing at 6pm sharp.
Details subject to change so please check back closer to the event.
What should you do?
- Update those RSVPs through Hashrego so we have enough time to purchase and make enough drinks for everyone
- Dress in your best (worst?!) holiday sweater or garb (holiday hats or costumes), or just wear your muggle/mortal clothes and come out
- Bring a cranium lamp
- Show up early for the pre-lube
- Rego at
Pay your HashCash ($12 via CashApp to $hah3cash) & find C.O.P. to show proof of payment to get your stamp
- Bring vessels and koozies, ID and form of payment for the bar
- Have a plan for a DD car pool, walkable crash space, ride-share or other transport if you're drinking
- Be prepared for 12 Drink Checks (warm clothing and comfy shoes to walk a couple miles in encouraged)

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