San Diego Area Runstarts

Last Updated: Wednesday, 05-Feb-2025 19:09:46 (PacificTime)

Hashes Tomorrow

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Iron Rule
Iron Rule Hash  Every other Friday night.   Friday, February 7, 2025 6:00pm
A New Start in Poway
Hare(s): Rickashaw & Ondee
Address: Parking lot on North side of Poway High School football field.
Directions: Exit I15 on Rancho Bernardo Rd. east. Go 4.22 miles to parking lot about 100 feet past Summer Sage Rd. When the pavement gets smooth you are in Poway and Rancho Bernard changes its name to Espola Rd. If you go 5 miles you have past it.
Map Link:,-...
Thomas Bros: 1170 G5
Run Fee: $8
Trail type: A to A, drive to B
Dog friendly: Trail Only
The start is new but there may be parts of old trail to go with some virgin trail. There will be one trail of about 4-ish miles with a few spots to shortcut or get lost and run further. B will be in the garage at the Casa del Sharp at 13652 Poway Springs Rd. Use Google if you do not know where it is. Don't forget your plate and utensils.

Hashes Later This Week

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North County
North County Hash  Every Saturday morning.   Saturday, February 8, 2025 10:00am
Holy Moly! St. Bernardo gets ready for a Soup Or Bowl
Hare(s): Captain Jerk, Tastes Like Fish, Homey, and other super secret hares
Address: Rancho Bernardo Community Park, 18448 W Bernardo Dr, San Diego, CA 92127
Directions: Exit 15 at Pomerado, go left, enter park, look for 80 of your closest friends, park, run, drink, run, drink, run, sing silly songs, drink.
Map Link:
Run Fee: $8 in cash
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
There's the Rose Bowl, the Sugar Bowl, the Cotton Bowl, the Mayo Bowl, some Super Bowl thing, and at this time, the Holy Moly St. Bernardo Bowl. Show us your running game (and FRBs, your passing game) as we venture throughout the beautiful hills and valleys of this fine part of North County.

Kindly go easy with the Smokey Bowl out there, because for the local bush, Dry January has continued into February.

Tastes Like Fish will be serving up a tasty meal for all, probably from a bowl.

Walker: 1.5 mi. Turkey 4 mi. Eagle 6+ mi.
Yes, bring your shiggy grippy shoes.

Local artist Stan will unveil *just for us* a diorama capturing the essence of the relationship between Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift.

Hut hut ... OnON!

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Humpin Hash  Every Sunday afternoon.   Sunday, February 9, 2025 12:00pm
Humpin Anal Superbowl Hash at Ass Transits
Hare(s): Alamilf, Ass Transit
Address: 3570 Donna Drive, Carlsbad 92008
Directions: This is at Ass Transits House. Enter through the Side Gate instead of the Front Door.
Map Link:
Run Fee: 15
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
Please note that this is an earlier Start Time than normal for Humpin so that we can watch The Superbowl!

Cum enjoy our Anal Superbowl Hash at Ass Transit's home. We will start and end at her home. The trail will be hared by Remember The AlaMilf through some of the toughest shiggy in Carlsbad! After trail there will be a typical Humpin Circle at Ass Tranists Home followed by the game & special food and snacks made by Ass Transit and Pop Rocks.

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Humpin Hash  Every Sunday afternoon.   Sunday, February 9, 2025 2:00pm
Humpin Anal Superbowl Hash at Ass Transits
Hare(s): Alamilf, Ass Transit
Address: 3570 Donna Drive, Carlsbad 92008
Directions: This is at Ass Transits House. Enter through the Side Gate instead of the Front Door.
Map Link:
Run Fee: 15
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
Cum enjoy our Anal Superbowl Hash at Ass Transit's home. We will start and end at her home. The trail will be hared by Remember The AlaMilf through some of the toughest shiggy in Carlsbad! After trail there will be a typical Humpin Circle at Ass Tranists Home followed by the game & special food and snacks made by Ass Transit and Pop Rocks.

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Larrikins Hash  Every Monday night.   Monday, February 10, 2025 6:30pm
Can I get a Doctor over here please?
Hare(s): Lick My Post, DoMe Decimal,&Ain't Nuthin' but a Horn Dog
Address: 10330 Friars Road, San Diego, California 92120, United States
Directions: Camel Bar off Friars Rd
Map Link:
Run Fee: 5
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Trail Only
Doctors , nurses, and patients cum on out to celebrate Lick My Post didn't die from his appendicitis!
Dress up , show up , and show us your scars!
Maybe there will be blood on trail....

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Pub Hash  The second Tuesday of every month.   Tuesday, February 11, 2025 6:30pm
Black History Month Trivia
Hare(s): Alfraido Orgys and Process No Shiggity
Address: Jp's Pub
10436 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. (at, Santo Rd, San Diego, CA 92124
Map Link:
Run Fee: $5
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Trail Only
Want a little break from thinking about Single Awareness Day? Then come on out and join Princess and I as we take you on a shiggy free trip through Tierra Santa. Trail will be around 3 miles with 2 drink checks. Don't forget your headlamps and come on out and join us for a great time celebrating Black History!

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Full Moon
Full Moon Hash  Around the night of the full moon.   Wednesday, February 12, 2025 6:30pm
Traffic Light Party!
Hare(s): Octopussy
Address: Aero Club, 3365 India St, San Diego, CA 92103
Map Link:
Run Fee: 5
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
Join us under the full moon on Wed 2/12 for a "Stop Light Party"! Single & ready to mingle? Wear green! In a closed relationship? Wear red! In a situationship or "just browsing? You guessed it, ambiguous yellow! Aero Club has happy hour till 7pm, we've confirmed that there will be a food truck out back (outside food is welcome) and well behaved doggos are a-okay! Your hare has some fun surprises for trail (maybe a specialty drink check?) so swing on thru! (Swingers wear yellow, btw...)
$5 run fee
Bring a friend - hash virgins run for free!
Some shiggy
3ish miles
Bring a headlamp

Hashes Later This Month

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Half-Assed Hash  About once a month.   Saturday, February 15, 2025 2:00pm
Hey, it's been a year?? MM turnover is upon us!
Hare(s): MM
Address: 4513 Georgia St, San Diego, CA 92116
Directions: Why change a good thing, yes we are starting at CPA's! Tradition!
Map Link:
Run Fee: $5
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
MM turnover is upon us! New boss, same as the old boss????

Link to this Event  View Map San Diego Family Hash    Sunday, February 16, 2025 6:30pm
80% off Valentines Candy R*n!
Hare(s): Strawberry Sprinkles Forever, Just Kendra, Just Jeremy
Address: 7943 Lincoln St Lemon Grove, CA 91945
Map Link:
Run Fee: Adults $10, kids 5 and up $5, 4 and under free
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: No
What says love better than deeep discounted chocolate?! Save the date more details to come!

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San Diego
San Diego Hash  Every Friday night and every other Sunday morning   Sunday, February 23, 2025 10:00am
44th Anniversary AGM
Hare(s): Prior GMs
Address: 4831 Sorrento Valley Blvd, San Diego, 92121
Directions: Los Penasquitos Canyon Trailhead parking lot.
Map Link:
Run Fee: $10 (cheap!)
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
The prior GMs have a great trail for you. Followed by circle with skits and the Changing of the Guard. Cum welcome the new mis-management.

Check in for a cool giveaway!
Bring cash for the lowest prices of the year on Haberdashery!

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