San Diego Hash House Harriers Image

Hash HardCopy - Archive of the SDH3 HashTrash and Publications

Dedicated to the Memory of "Mary Poppins", the Matriarch of SDH3

Before the Internet (B.I.), the SDH3 publicized itself via print media referred to as "HashTrash" and had a dedicated phone line which people could call to find out where and when runs were scheduled (called the Hash Shitline - 760-599-SHIT)

Shitline Recording:

The original publications were crude, usually one or two pages, in length and corresponded to one or two run write-ups, followed by listing of the upcoming runs. Hashers were incentivized to be the run "scribe" by receiving a free run. The HashTrash soon evolved into a multipage Monthly publication featuring multiple run write-ups as well as stories and advertisements for future runs. Eventually came to be and hard copy publications ceased. This web page corresponds to an archive of most of the publications produced by SDH3 (scanned in), as donated by Mary Poppins who held the position of SDH3 Historian before passing..

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