Welcome to the Diaper Rash Hash House Harriers (DRH3)Web site.
A San Diego Family Running Group
The DRH3 is a Family and Child Friendly Hash that runs on the last Saturday of each month. Trails are baby-jogger friendly and there is typically a 1 mile fun run and a 4-5 mile baby jogger trail. Food may be provided -- see the runstarts on SDH3.com
Down-downs are linguistically challenged to not include any words that should not be repeated in elementary school. Come out and enjoy the fun! Down Downs are run by the hares unless they dont want to.
Note that some hash names need to be altered for this family friendly hash. For Example, "Any Richard will Do" was unceremoniously renamed ADD.
Some basic guidelines...1) Hare(s) start at 9:45 am, pack off at 10 am.
2) Safe place for toddlers at start.
3) Safe place for toddlers at end.
4) A to A - the end should be close enough to the start to walk back (mostly due to car seat logistical issues).
5) Main trail stroller friendly, 40 min to 1 hr (for slow jogger) (5 mile max, 3 mile min).
6) Include a short trail for young kids (with parent) to complete (.5 to 1 mile).
7) Brunch at end.
8) Family friendly down-down start at 11:30 am, done by noon.
9) Sorry, no dogs (due to not-so-dog friendly starts, endings and kids).
10) All down-downs, language, and hashnames will be kid-friendly.
More Detailed Guidelines for Hares can be found here![]()
Two Dog's DRH3 Haberdashery Site can be found here![]()
Two Dog's DRH3 Song Book![]()
Current Ms. Management (appointed by Assets to get out of any more work)
- GMs: HoHoHo and Pith Me (acamporesi -at- yahoo.com)
- RAs: Flush Twice (They lead the circle thru safe songs)
- Hash Cash: Seymore Beaver
- Hare Raiser: Finger in the Hole (leigh@sandiego.edu)
- Web Meister: Whats His Name (whn -at- san.rr.com)
Bring your family and come out and enjoy the safe hashing fun!!!
History: The DRH3 has been rumored, talked about, desired, and wildly anticipated for many years, however it took the daring of Nice Assets, Finger in the Hole with support from Inuendo, and Mr. Domingo to actually put together the first family friendly hash on March 26, 2005. Started initially as the Huggies Hash House Harriers, it was quickly renamed at the inaugural hash to the DRH3.
Run starts for the Diaper Rash Hash can be found on www.sdh3.com.
Pictures from previous runs can be found on www.beercheck.com.