San Diego Area Run Start
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Larrikins Hash  Every Monday night.   Monday, December 5, 2011 6:30pm
Re-Occupy San Diego
Hare(s): Coppertone Bone
Location: Front St. at W. Ash St., San Diego
Directions: From I-5 S, exit Front. St., park near Ash; from 163 S., exit Ash St., park near Front St.
Thomas Bros: 1289 B2
Run Fee: $3
Trail type: (not specified)
Dog friendly: (not specified)
Wear a protest t-shirt or bring a poster/sign (no woodies allowed) if cumpelled. A to A prime, free street-meter parking after 6 pm. This is urban shiggy as in it's your ass-fault, concrete jungle, barely a blade of grass let alone swamp. Turkey and eagle trails. Human, street, construction and water views. On In has tasty craft brews and pub grub, so bring cash/card/ID to enjoy it fully.

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