San Diego Area Run Start
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Humpin Hash  Every Sunday afternoon.   Sunday, July 27, 2014 2:00pm
Because we can!
Hare(s): Cee-Three-Pee OnMySelf, 99 Prblems and maybe a mystery hare or two!
Location: Where else would the new Humpin' management have its first trail but in COTU!

West Buffet parking lot, El Camino Real
Directions: 5 or 15 to 78, exit El Camino Real South. Right on Haymar immediately after bridge, or waste your time driving around the mall until you find hashers. Park at West end of lot on corner of Haymar and S. Vista Way.
Google Maps:
Run Fee: $6
Trail type: A to A prime
On after: Stag And Lion
Dog friendly: Yes
Cum join us as we take you through some familiar areas in an unfamiliar way. There will be some water, but you should not get wet. If you are the clumsy type bring a change of cloths just in case. There will be and at least one boob check and a promise of at least one person saying or doing something stupid. See you Sunday!

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