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by Maui Waui, August, 1999
Hashing has no rules, but Haring does.
To ensure that we all have fun, and that the Hares aren't dismembered, here are a few guidelines.
VIRGIN HARES must lay with experienced Hares, never with other Virgins. Ideally 2 experienced Hares with one Virgin.
Run start. The start should allow sufficient, safe parking without tickets, towing, etc. Be sure the expected crowd can be accommodated at the start area. Don't put us out in the middle of a busy street.
B-Van. Don't expect someone will be there to keep an eye on everything in the back of a pick-up truck. Hash cash wants to pack up and run just like everyone else so there needs to be someone there to watch the bags. Four (4) hares get to run for free so you can always use one of them strictly for the B-Van. If they are in a locked truck or van, hash cash can lock up and take off.
Run end. The end will be in an area where beer is legal, and where the hash can congregate without interference. Light is necessary and may have to be provided by lanterns, etc. Don't put us in an illegal area where the Police are going to rush us out of. Get everyone to the finish in about an hour. Avoid traffic, crossing busy intersections, and respect "No Trespassing" signs.
LOST HASHERS: Hares are responsible for finding any Hashers still out on the trail by the time the ON ON is over. This is good incentive to lay a well-marked trail!!! The search party starts with the hares.
ON ON Should be within walking distance of the start , or hares must provide transportation. Ideally the site should be well lighted and include restrooms. In case of rain an alternate site that is sheltered, or at least covered is a must in winter.
Pick up the coolers and other run stuff at the run before yours. Inventory what you pick up to help when buying needed items for your hash. Empty and dry out the coolers and soda cans to prevent creatures from growing in them.
Hares are responsible to provide a large enough B-van and get it to the finish, and to get the food and beer to the finish. ARRANGE THIS AHEAD OF TIME. On Fridays, it is the brewmeister's responsibility to bring beer kegs to the start, not to the end. Hares provide beer on Sunday runs.
For A to B runs, hares are to transport hashers back to the start and may make a few trips. Plan to have a large enough vehicle to do this.
Run the entire run and time it to estimate the overall length. If it's at night, run it in the dark to avoid losing your way in a canyon while haring live.
Flour marks should be approximately every 10 paces.
Hare arrows should be used to indicate any change in direction and at all street corners. Toilet paper can be used when flour and arrows can not be seen.
Checks tend to bring the strewn out run group together, as front runners look for true trail from a check while the rest of the pack reaches the check waiting for an inkling as to where to go next.
Stash flour on trail to avoid carrying a heavy bag.
You are responsible to buy the following with the budget. Don't expect to be reimbursed if you spend more than the budget without first checking with the Hash cash.
Hash cash will reimburse you after your Hash. Provide them with receipts of your purchases.
The budget is determined from the standard run fee of $9.00. If you need more cash, you can make arrangements for a higher run fee with the Hare Raiser when you sign up. This is discouraged, but there are exceptions for occasional theme runs.
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