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North County
North County Hash  Every Saturday morning.   Saturday, April 22, 2023 10:00am
Gold Digger
Hare(s): Knothole & Easy-Out
Address: 1209 Farmer Road, Julian, CA 92036
Volcan Mountain Trailhead
Directions: On Hwy 78 in Wynola you can take a left on Wynola Rd. and bypass Julian. You could stop at Dudley's bread in Santa Isabel.
Map Link:
Thomas Bros: 1136 B-3
Run Fee: 0
Trail type: A to A, drive to B
Dog friendly: Yes
We are going to Julian because the beer at Julian Brewing is nectar & trail is beautiful. Your Saturday is blown anyway, so come on up and take your time like Wonderslong would. Trail is from 4,200 ft - 5,200 ft for eagles. Easy-Out will have Calico cider at the T/E split if you are lucky, but she will not drag water up for you or your dog. We will try for moderate civility. Let it all hang out at Intergalactic Dogfish Dance Party May 7. Carpool. Let no hasher ride alone. Please post on NCH3 Facebook where you can participate in a park-n-ride. Snacks only, meals must be purchased. Recommend east on Wynola for lazy no hills walkers. Storum Ranch Cider & Wine (11am) is over there.

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