San Diego Hash House Harriers
San Diego Filter events for the San Diego kennelShow all events
Every other Friday and
every other Sunday

California Larrikins Hash House Harriers
California Larrikins Filter events for the Larrikins kennelShow all events
Every Monday

Iron Rule
Iron Rule Filter events for the Iron Rule kennelShow all events
Every other Friday

La Jolla H3
La Jolla Filter events for the La Jolla kennelShow all events
Every Monday

North County
North County Filter events for the North County kennelShow all events
Every Saturday
at 10am sharp
NCH3 Haring Checklist

Humpin Hash
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Every Sunday, Humpin time

Full Moon Hash
The Original
Full Moon H3
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Once, sometimes
twice, a month

Vollyball Hash
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Half-Assed Hash
Half-Assed Filter events for the Half-Assed kennelShow all events
Once a month

Pub Hash
Pub Hash Filter events for the Pub Hash kennelShow all events
Second Tuesday
of the month

Mission Harriettes
Mission Harriettes Filter events for the Mission Harriettes kennelShow all events
Wednesday, once a month

Family Hash
Family Hash Filter events for the Family Hash kennelShow all events
Every other Sunday
opposite San Diego Hash

Tijuana Hash House Harriers
Tijuana Hash
House Harriers
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Once a month, on Saturdays

Hashing in San Diego

Celebration of Life for "Giggles" (Kathy Strege)

We lost another long time hasher, Giggles, whose name reflected her always happy disposition. Giggles ran with many of the San Diego Kennels, last being seen at a LJH3 Hash just a week or two ago. She passed away unexpectedly from a heart related issue a few days after New Years day. A celebration her life will be held on February 14th from 3-6 pm at St Brigids, 4735 Cass Street, San Diego, CA, 92109.  Those interested in attending should RSVP to

Paying Hash Cash
Many of the San Diego kennels prefer run fees be paid via mobile apps; Most accept the "Cash App" or "Paypal/Venmo". For details click here.
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Apparently only a few people know how to create Google Map Links for their runstarts. If you need to know how to generate the link for your runstart, click here

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Next 10 Run Starts  
Last Updated: Wednesday, 05-Feb-2025 19:09:46 (PacificTime)

Link to this Event  View Map North Park Republic Hash    Thursday, January 30, 2025 6:30pm
End of Dry January
Hare(s): Restroom Roulette
Address: Grand Ole BBQ y Asado
3302 32nd St, San Diego, CA 92104
Map Link:
Run Fee: Free! Pay as you go.
Trail type: A to A prime
Dog friendly: No
You've almost made it through what feels like the longest month of our lifetime. Come out and get a few miles in and catch up with everyone you've avoided while being dry. Stops will have NA options and potent potables.
This trail will be starting ON TIME! Our on-in closes around 9, so we're getting moving on time and keeping trail short! Grand Ole BBQ has a great happy hour, so get there early!

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San Diego
San Diego Hash  Every Friday night and every other Sunday morning   Friday, January 31, 2025 6:30pm
Seven and Seventy, D-Cup Ingenuety
Hare(s): D-Cup, Barbie Biker Bitch, Nymphomanical
Address: Casa D-manical
2227 Commonwealth Ave
San Diego, CA 92104
Directions: South of Juniper on Commonwealth in South Park.

Use the Googles, Luke!
Map Link:
Run Fee: 10
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Trail Only
Our Ingenue Harriet D-Cup turns Seven and Seventy this fine month and in celebration has consented to hare a SDH3 trail through South Park on Friday the 31st -- go away Dyslexic Jason! Adjutant hares Barbie Biker Bitch and Nymphomanical will also assist, if only to mansplain how D-Cup is doing it wrong.

Run will be A to A and On-Out/On-In at Casa D-manical. There will be a Turkey and Eagle trail and most likely a Penguin Shortwaddle as well -- other Avids shall not apply.

One or two beer checks, with a fine assortment of Wet/Dry January potables at the beer checks. We'll also have food at the On-In.

As per usual, the trails in South Park are doggo-safe and a good romp for the Hellhounds. However, we request no dogs at the On-In.

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North County
North County Hash  Every Saturday morning.   Saturday, February 1, 2025 10:00am
Fuk Toy Run - Boy Toy birthday Run
Hare(s): BOYTOY, ToysRUS, Toy Maker, Easy Out, Two Buck Fuck, Outback
Address: Spring Creek Park, Oceanside
Directions: Easy to find even for half-minds. Ample street parking.
Map Link:
Run Fee: $8
Trail type: A to A
On after: Black Plague
2550 Jason Ct, Oceanside, CA 92056
Dog friendly: Yes
Join us for the anal Fuk-Toy run for Boy Toy's birthday. This will be a live hare for turkey and eagles. Fuk-toy prizes if you snare a hare.
90% shiggy, dog friendly
Turkey 4+ miles, Eagle 5+ miles with a walker trail. Great food from Easy Out
On after at Black Plague Oceanside to help us celebrate Boy Toy's birthday. Its a very short 5 minute drive. 2550 Jason Ct, Oceanside, CA 92056

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Humpin Hash  Every Sunday afternoon.   Saturday, February 1, 2025 2:00pm
Hare(s): Pussy Purèe and Kids Meal
Address: Poway Community Park 13094 Civic Center Dr, Poway, CA 92064
Directions: We'll set up on the west side of the park. Behind the southwest corner of the the swimming pool.
Map Link:
Run Fee: ?
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
Humpin runs every Sunday rain or shine. Trail is about 3.5 miles and 75% off road. 2 beerchecks. Kids meal should be easy to snare since he's still broken.

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Humpin Hash  Every Sunday afternoon.   Sunday, February 2, 2025 2:00pm
Hare(s): Pussy Purèe and Kids Meal
Address: Poway Community Park 13094 Civic Center Dr, Poway, CA 92064
Directions: We'll set up on behind the south west corner of the pool.
Map Link:
Run Fee: ?
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
Humpin runs every sunday rain or shine. Trail is about 3.5 miles 75% offroad. 2 beerchecks. Kids Meal should be easy to snare since he's still broken.

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La Jolla
La Jolla Hash  Every Monday night.   Monday, February 3, 2025 6:00pm
Bay Ho Post-Groundhog Day
Hare(s): Jim (Hoot) and Julie (Holler)
Address: 2934 Murat St, San Diego 92117
Directions: In Bay Ho. Parking nearby is limited so it might be a short walk.
Map Link:
Run Fee: $8 or membership
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
The trail may include some off-road. One Turkey Trail about 3.5+ miles
Sunset 5:23 p.m. Bring a flashlight. Suggest warm clothes but indoor garage On-In
Dog friendly at On In and suggest a leash be available for the trail.

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Larrikins Hash  Every Monday night.   Monday, February 3, 2025 6:30pm
Mardi Gras Chewbacchus Trail
Hare(s): SFL & The Cockodile Hunter
Address: 3683 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92103
Directions: Hillcrest is where you'll find us, it is the main gayborhood in San Diego.
Map Link:
Run Fee: 5
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
Expect more boob checks than dick checks, beads and chewbacchus-themed costumes encouraged, king cake puddin shots, and maybe a few new checks from SFL's many visits to NOLA RDR and more.

This will be the last trail for Larrikins that SFL hares as she will be relocating East in a few months.

Hashes Tomorrow

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Iron Rule
Iron Rule Hash  Every other Friday night.   Friday, February 7, 2025 6:00pm
A New Start in Poway
Hare(s): Rickashaw & Ondee
Address: Parking lot on North side of Poway High School football field.
Directions: Exit I15 on Rancho Bernardo Rd. east. Go 4.22 miles to parking lot about 100 feet past Summer Sage Rd. When the pavement gets smooth you are in Poway and Rancho Bernard changes its name to Espola Rd. If you go 5 miles you have past it.
Map Link:,-...
Thomas Bros: 1170 G5
Run Fee: $8
Trail type: A to A, drive to B
Dog friendly: Trail Only
The start is new but there may be parts of old trail to go with some virgin trail. There will be one trail of about 4-ish miles with a few spots to shortcut or get lost and run further. B will be in the garage at the Casa del Sharp at 13652 Poway Springs Rd. Use Google if you do not know where it is. Don't forget your plate and utensils.

Hashes Later This Week

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North County
North County Hash  Every Saturday morning.   Saturday, February 8, 2025 10:00am
Holy Moly! St. Bernardo gets ready for a Soup Or Bowl
Hare(s): Captain Jerk, Tastes Like Fish, Homey, and other super secret hares
Address: Rancho Bernardo Community Park, 18448 W Bernardo Dr, San Diego, CA 92127
Directions: Exit 15 at Pomerado, go left, enter park, look for 80 of your closest friends, park, run, drink, run, drink, run, sing silly songs, drink.
Map Link:
Run Fee: $8 in cash
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
There's the Rose Bowl, the Sugar Bowl, the Cotton Bowl, the Mayo Bowl, some Super Bowl thing, and at this time, the Holy Moly St. Bernardo Bowl. Show us your running game (and FRBs, your passing game) as we venture throughout the beautiful hills and valleys of this fine part of North County.

Kindly go easy with the Smokey Bowl out there, because for the local bush, Dry January has continued into February.

Tastes Like Fish will be serving up a tasty meal for all, probably from a bowl.

Walker: 1.5 mi. Turkey 4 mi. Eagle 6+ mi.
Yes, bring your shiggy grippy shoes.

Local artist Stan will unveil *just for us* a diorama capturing the essence of the relationship between Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift.

Hut hut ... OnON!

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Humpin Hash  Every Sunday afternoon.   Sunday, February 9, 2025 12:00pm
Humpin Anal Superbowl Hash at Ass Transits
Hare(s): Alamilf, Ass Transit
Address: 3570 Donna Drive, Carlsbad 92008
Directions: This is at Ass Transits House. Enter through the Side Gate instead of the Front Door.
Map Link:
Run Fee: 15
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
Please note that this is an earlier Start Time than normal for Humpin so that we can watch The Superbowl!

Cum enjoy our Anal Superbowl Hash at Ass Transit's home. We will start and end at her home. The trail will be hared by Remember The AlaMilf through some of the toughest shiggy in Carlsbad! After trail there will be a typical Humpin Circle at Ass Tranists Home followed by the game & special food and snacks made by Ass Transit and Pop Rocks.


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